Thursday, 29 October 2009




Friday, 9 October 2009

50件女孩希望男友了解的事 ★男生必讀★

courtesy to August's Blog
  1. 我對你 『吼』 的時候,用的是心裡最後一絲的力量,只想你緊緊的抱住我。
  2. 我做不到每分每秒不停地想你,所以我真的想你的時候,我都會告訴你。
  3. 我 『哦』 或 『嗯』 , 不是因為你對了, 只是因為我懂你也愛你。
  4. 你不需要很有錢, 但是你必需有理想,有目標,至少讓我知道,我們是有美好的未來的可能。
  5. 不要認為和我一起出門就不用抓個頭,剃個鬍子,我可不知道什麽時候會碰上我的高中同學。
  6. 我減肥瘦了,請不要對我說 『我覺得你胖一點比較可愛』 , 我想聽的是 『你變得那么正,我這下可要當心了』。
  7. 我最近胖了,請不要對我說 『還好啦,我可不覺得』 , 我想聽你說 『我最近好像胖了,陪我一起減肥好不好?』 (千萬別說是我們胖了)。
  8. 頭髮打薄了,換了副新眼鏡,或是多了雙新鞋,我都希望你會發現。
  9. 所有大大小小的節日,紀念日,生日,你至少都要記上一百年才能忘。
  10. 我跟你說一些女生保養的事,或是誰誰誰的八卦,雖然你未必明白或認識,至少裝作你在聽。
  11. 當你滔滔不絕你的工作,你的同事,你的足球,你的遊戲,你的政治經財經等等等的時候,我們根本不懂卻還是能靜靜的聽。
  12. 你不一定要是個帥哥,但是請你一定要保持乾淨。
  13. 我月經來了,請不要因為不能 Sex 而嘆氣, 它不來你才要哭了咧。
  14. 我 + 月經姨媽 = 皇太后, 不能伺候我也至少要忍我。
  15. 很大很大的二頭肌,六塊腹肌,未必很MAN, 只會讓人感到害怕。
  16. 不要以為女人天生就是笨, 那只是爲了愛笨女人的男人們在裝蠢。
  17. 我寧願不要你任何的承諾, 也不要你承諾了卻又不守承諾。
  18. 迷路的時候,請不要逞強帶我走很多的冤枉路,問路并不丟臉。
  19. 我們生氣掛你電話,只是想你馬上打回來哄哄我而已。
  20. 我不需要天天和你膩在一起,但是請讓我隨時隨地都找得到你。
  21. 我不介意你有小小的肚腩,但是請不要變個大胖子,更不要比我還瘦。
  22. 懂得換燈泡,修理小電器,比每天上健身房健身MAN很多。
  23. 大大的二頭肌,壯壯的小腿,八塊腹肌,不叫做MAN,而是嚇人。
  24. 在我的朋友姐妹面前,我需要你比平時更疼我更緊張我。
  25. 我花兩個小時煮飯給你吃,只是想換來你的 『好吃』 兩個字。
  26. 我不介意你看其他的女生, 但是看到愣著或是我叫你你都不看我的時候就太過分了。
  27. 我不喜歡大男人,也不喜歡小男人。知道什麽時候該大男人,什麽時候該變小男人的男人才讓能抓住女人的心。
  28. 沒主見不等於溫柔, 沒交代不等於瀟灑, 不講理不等於大男人。
  29. 我喜歡你努力工作,但也需要有時間陪我。
  30. 跟我在一起,不要什麽都 『隨便』,也不要什麽都 『聽你的』 。
  31. 查你的電話不是因為不相信你,只是想要證明你值得被相信。
  32. 我不介意你有女性朋友,但是絕對不能跟他們單獨出去。
  33. 請不要用 『女人比較了解女人』 當藉口,去找女生來訴苦或抱怨我們之間的問題。在她還沒解決我們的問題之前,她就已經變成了另一個問題。
  34. 我偶爾提起以前的男友,或是暗戀過的男生是正常的,刻意不提的話才有鬼。
  35. 『我只是沒有跟你說而已』 ,這句話對我們來說就已經等於欺騙。
  36. 我并不會不想了解你的女同事,女同學,女性朋友,反而,我能知道的越詳細越好。
  37. 不管我們在一起多久了,我對驚喜的期待都是一樣的。
  38. 『扮可愛』 不只是十幾歲女生的權力,也是所有女生在男友面前的權利。
  39. 當我叫你滾的時候, 其實是最需要你留下來的時候。
  40. HIP HOP不是每一個男生都適合的,流行并不代表有型。
  41. 跟我說你愛我,不然我會以為你不愛了。
  42. 不要說沒人了解你,試問你自己有沒有給我機會和時間去了解?
  43. 大庭廣眾之下罵髒話叫做粗俗而不是有型, 大庭廣眾之下丟下我叫做沒良心而不是瀟灑。
  44. 如果我因為你而哭,那就只有你才能讓我停止哭泣。
  45. 雖然我已經有了你,但是那并不代表其他人不能追我。我讓人追不是要別人把我搶走,而是想你把我看得更重一點。
  46. 當我說你身邊的女生朋友很好很好的時候,其實希望你能說 『都不夠你好』。
  47. 我做錯事你可以教訓我,但是記得之後要哄哄我。
  48. 我送給你的所有東西,都希望你隨時帶著,而且任何時候都看起來和我剛送你的時候一樣新。
  49. 你可以陪你的兄弟朋友們,但是你必須重色輕友。
  50. 我不介意你跟我重複你講過的話題,但是請不要重複十幾二十遍。

Tuesday, 6 October 2009






Sunday, 4 October 2009

Terima Kasih

Didn't manage to write ever since i started working in Kota
Its not that I don't have the time
given the fact that I managed to spend quite alot on facebook =p
just that everyday I would be so tired
that I wouldn't even wanna use my brain after work...
(Imagine driving also kills half of my brain cells..)

Writing my blog is not so easy
I am lazy to post up sth which I think
that is too ordinary to write about
Yet for something too complicated
I am lazy (again!) to think how to construct the sentence
so that people would understand what I am thinking

ALmost all my friends know that
I have this bad habit of thinking too much
especially towards the pessimistic direction
No matter how many times they told me
they advised me
or even scolded me
I can't change much...
so conclusion, i m a hopeless case
if ever YOU wanna make me more positive...

I realised that I smile WAY TOO MUCH to the people
when most of the time I don't really feel like to
I guess that's how my energy was overly consumed
to the extent where the rest of my day
I tend to be so mood off & of course
when my parents see my shit face
ANY PROBLEM, big or small,
would become a BIG issue...

My baobei chinchin used to tell me that
I am so used to listening to others when they are having their probs
but for my own, I keep too much to myself
there was one time she was even worrying that
I might eventually break down & by then
nobody could save me anymore...
I guess my case was not so serious yet
I DO find people to talk to when necessary
just that the availability of the people... depends

I dont know whether you should be happy or sad
that U are not one of those that i would be looking for
when I m feeling down
I still treat you as friend,
but maybe I m just too tired to update my story to EVERYONE
when there is actually people that I can directly
tell them the core of the problem
without digging up the whole history of the current status...

Ok now
why the heck am I telling the whole thing above...

I was feeling REAL down last night
after the mid autumn festival celebration at the temple
& also the f**king period pain drove me nuts
(maybe the disturbed hormones is the culprit)
I thought of 3 person that I might be able to talk to them

After considering for like... 5 minutes?
ha, its a fast decision, I know
I decided to message him
" slept already? got work tomorrow? can talk? "
I was only hoping to receive a sms reply
or even no reply if he is already asleep
cos it was quite late already

Surprising enough, he called me back~
Its such a comfort to hear his voice
until I actually secretly shed a tear while talking to him...
We practically talk crap (about work actually) for like 20 minutes
then only I told him the whole crappy story
& without doubt, i cried like hell
& of course, he knew it, ha

Its really nice when we both kept quiet
yet I knew he was actually waiting for me to cool down
he kept saying that he wasn't of any help
but Lord knows,
by being there for me, even it's just through the phone
I am already very grateful...
he just made me think of another person
which I don't even dare to call
cos I am not sure whether he is having a bigger prob than mine
though this "another person" will be way suitable to talk to

To my Mr Ihsan Norkhair
really thanks a lot
for actually called me up & talked to me for >45 minutes
hopefully ur darling sis didn't make a fuss about our conversation last night
cos we didn't talk until 3am LOL
couldn't express my gratitude better
so I decided to forgive you
for saying that I looked garang in my new hairstyle, hurmp >.<
but anyway we will be meeting up soon aren't we?
you will be given a chance to SEE carefully before u make ur comment AGAIN
again, thanks so much Dear~ Love you~

p/s: you always know that I ALWAYS mean whatever I say =)